Tuesday 31 January 2017

comprehension practice

Turmeric grows wild in the forests of South and Southeast Asia. It is one of the key
ingredients in many Asian dishes. Indian traditional medicine, called Siddha, has
recommended turmeric for medicine.
In recipes outside South Asia, turmeric is sometimes used as an agent to impart a
rich, custard-like yellow colour. It is used in canned beverages, baked products, dairy
products, ice cream, yogurt, yellow cakes, orange juice, biscuits, popcorn colour,
cereals, sauces, gelatines, etc. It is a significant ingredient in most commercial curry
Most turmeric is used in the form of rhizome powder. In some regions (especially in
Maharashtra, Goa, Konkan and Kanara), turmeric leaves are used to wrap and cook
food. Turmeric leaves are mainly used in this way in areas where turmeric is grown
locally, since the leaves used are freshly picked. Turmeric leaves impart a distinctive
Although typically used in its dried, powdered form, turmeric is also used fresh, like
ginger. It has numerous uses in East-Asian recipes, such as pickle that contains large
chunks of soft turmeric, made from fresh turmeric.
Turmeric is widely used as a spice in South Asian and Middle-Eastern cooking.
Many Persian dishes use turmeric as a starter ingredient. Almost all Iranian khoresh
dishes are made using onions caramelised in oil and turmeric, followed by other
In India and Nepal, turmeric is widely grown and extensively used in many vegetable
and meat dishes for its colour; it is also used for its supposed value in traditional
In Vietnamese cuisine, turmeric powder is used to colour and enhance the flavours
of certain dishes, such as bánh xèo, bánh khọt, and mi quang. The powder is used in
many other Vietnamese stir-fried and soup dishes.
The staple Cambodian curry paste kroeung, used in many dishes including amok,
typically contains fresh turmeric.
In Indonesia, turmeric leaves are used for Minangese or Padangese curry base of
Sumatra, such as rendang, sate padang, and many other varieties.
In Thailand, fresh turmeric rhizomes are widely used in many dishes, in particular
in the southern Thai cuisine, such as the yellow curry and turmeric soup.
A. Match the locations with the uses of turmeric.
1. India starter ingredient
2. East Asian vegetables and meat
3. Nepal pickle
4. Sumatra mi quang
5. Vietnamese Padangese
6. Persia treatment and cooking
B. Choose the correct options.
1. ‘It is used in canned beverages’ is in
a. active voice.
b. passive voice.
2. The word ‘antioxidant’ means something that
a. removes toxins.
b. oxidise.
c. adds toxins.
3. Turmeric is ............................ (used/not used) as a part of South Asian cuisine.
4. This word means an ‘important food’. The synonym is ............................ (staple/
5. Turmeric leaf is used to ............................ (Minangese/Indian) curry base.

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